Sunday, May 24, 2009

UN calls taser use torture. No, really!

It's not news that the UN is a bunch of wasteful, hypocritical international socialist bureaucrats who waste taxpayers' money appeasing dictators and interfering with our lives. The UN Committee Against Torture has released a report warning New Zealand against the introduction of tasers for the police because they think it constitute a form of torture. Needless to say Comrade Keith Locke, with his soviet-loving communist credentials, and other Greens and bleeding heart liberals have seized on this report in their ongoing crusade to prevent police from defending themselves. The fact that Comrade Keith is against them means that tasers can't be introduced soon enough.

You just can't make this stuff up. Instead of condemning real human rights violators such as Zimbabwe, Sudan and Iran these busybodies think they know what's best for us. Apparently, defending yourself non-leathfully against a violent criminal is a form of torture. Don't bother trying to figure out the logic of these idiots. There is none.

So how do taser opponents propose we deal with the Steven Wallaces or Steven Bellinghams of this world? If tasers were available those two guys would still be alive today. Suppose you were a cop and a hammer-weilding maniac was coming towards you. You only have a pistol with one bullet and no taser (which can stop people without killing them). What would you do? Remember this is the real world. If you shoot him he might die but if you ignore him....well let's not go there.

Let me venture a guess as to how taser opponents suggest we deal with these situations. Now we could have a nice chat with the baseball or hammer-weilding maniac and kindly ask him to pretty pretty please stop smashing up the place. But that would take too long. Instead we should arm the police with magic wands. (I'm pretty sure Harry Potter is selling some of his old ones on ebay.) That way, if some maniac comes up the street waving a baseball bat around all a cop needs to do is wave a magic wand around, say the magic words and the situation will magically resolve itself.

"But," you say. "That's stupid!" Exactly. We live in the real world and in the real world real things happen. The only way to stop a baseball-weilding maniac is with force. And the only way to stop them without killing them is with a taser. If you taser opponents out there want to live in your own infantile fantasy world that's your problem. The rest of us are busy caring about the rights of ordinary people above those of criminals. You guys have run out of proper arguments against the taser. I often hear the argument that some police will misuse the taser (as if they wouldn't misuse anything else like a police baton or their own fist). That's a spurious argument. A policeman who misuses the taser would also misuse a police baton or his fist. So do we stop the vast majority of the police from having another tool to defend themselves just because of a minority? Normal people would suggest we remove those few corrupt police officers from the force.

Until taser opponents come up with a proper, realistic alternative to the taser they should go back to their caves and stop making fools of themselves.

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