Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Kurariki on bail...yet again!

They say that history repeats itself and no where is this more true than with New Zealand's youngest convicted killer, Bailey Junior Kurariki. Yesterday, Kurariki pleaded guilty to common assault and, after numerous breaches of bail and parole conditions, what do you know? The Manukau District Court judge in his infinite wisdom grants him bail. Of course this comes with so-called conditions such as a 7pm - 7am curfew but, judging by his record so far, who says he won't be back in court again? I've lost track of how many times this Kurariki kid has been in and out of jail. It seems this judge is either stupid or ignorant of the history of this killer. Has he been living under a rock for the past eight years? What makes him think Kurariki won't breach his bail conditions again like he's done numerous times before? I'm pretty sure this messed up kid was given a final warning earlier this year. Judge Semi Epati warned him it wasn't a game. But after being released on bail, to this pizza man killer it is a game... and he's winning. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't a final warning mean no more warnings after that? Maybe there's another definition of final I'm not aware of. Yes, after given chance after chance I'm sure Bailey Junior Kurariki must be quivering in his boots at the thought of the consequences of breaching his bail conditions. So much for toughening up the bail laws earlier this year.

I'll bet dollars to donuts this taxpayer-leaching oxygen thief will breach his bail conditions and we'll have to play out this whole sorry saga again. And if he does get put back in jail he'll be living the life of luxury, watching plasma TVs and eating KFC, no doubt at the taxpayers' expense.

I've got a novel idea! How about keeping this killer in jail where he won't be a risk to the community and actually instilling proper discipline? Forget about his so-called rights and stop making excuses for him. Take away his luxuries and drugs and make him take responsibility. After the disrespect he's shown to the judge and to the community his punishment should've severely increased. If this killer is to have a chance in Hell of being rehabilitated (if that's even possible) things need to change. Get him off the drugs and make him pay for his actions. A bullet in his brain right at the beginning would've saved a lot of time and money but apparently that's too harsh for bashing a pizza delivery man with a baseball bat so let's not go there. It doesn't take a Nobel Prizewinner to figure people respond to incentives. If you keep giving people chances after saying they've got a final chance then what do you expect to happen? It's common sense to most people with an IQ higher than a goldfish but no. These bleeding-heart liberals still think there's hope for this waste of space. I'm surprised Tui hasn't used him for one of their billboards: Bailey Junior Kurariki will learn his lesson this time - Yeah Right!

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