Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Libertarianz politicising Len Snee's death

In its latest press release the Libertarianz wasted no time in scoring political points on Senior Constable Len Snee's untimely death. The Libertarianz claim that if only the police left Rambo wannabe, Jan Molenaar, with his arsenal of weaponry to "puff the magic dragon" then this whole Napier siege could've been avoided. They think that if it weren't for the War on Drugs we could've left the paranoid drug-crazed Molenaar to shoot and blow the whole place up in peace and we could all gather round the campfire singing Kumbaya.... Oh, and Constable Snee would still be alive.

Frankly that's a load of bull!

I'm not going to go into a debate about the legalisation of pot. I mean how can you have a rational debate about pot with people who are clearly high on the stuff? But let's say the routine search warrant wasn't for marijuana. Suppose it was for a harder drug like P (which even potheads admit makes people crazy). Would they be crying for its legalisation? Oh wait they actually do want all drugs legalised for "consenting" adults including P (which has caused lots of rampaging murder sprees). Who would've guessed? Drug proponents keep going on about black markets and how, if only drugs were legal for adults, gangs would just magically disappear. They don't realise that there would still be a black market with minors. So what's the solution then? Let drugs be sold to children?

Putting aside drugs altogether for a second, imagine if the search warrant on Molenaar was for something even the Libertarianz don't want legalised (like child porn or stolen goods). By their logic, if Jan Molenaar behaved like he did, that would justify the legalisation of child porn or stolen goods or whatever. I think you get my drift.

Basically it could've been a search warrant for anything but that doesn't give Jan Molenaar an excuse to act like a crazy gunman and shoot dead one of the most respected policemen in the community. Trying to paint Jan Molenaar as a matyr for the Libertarianz's cause for drug liberalisation is absolutely sick and an insult to Len Snee's honour. Anybody who thinks the Napier Siege is a justification for drug liberalisation needs a frontal lobotomy. If anything, this siege proves that drug laws need to be tightened and the police need to take better precautions when conducting raids. Those who do stupidly choose to have their health adversely affected by drugs but somehow don't get caught should be denied public healthcare.

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