Thursday, August 13, 2009

Who let the terrorist out?

Scotland let the terrorist out. Well, not yet. But they're going to release the Lockerbie bomber (Abdel Basset al Megrahi) on, get this, "compassionate" grounds. And no, they don't mean compassion for the victims' friends and family. For those who need their memory jogged, this is the Libyan terrorist who blew up a Pan Am airliner in 1988 killing all 259 on board and 11 on the ground. Now the guy responsible for one of the worst (along with the 7 July bombings in London) terrorist attacks in the UK will be released just because he's got cancer. Getting cancer is far too compassionate for him and I for one don't have any sympathy for him. You'd forget, from hearing this news, that he's supposed to be serving a life sentence. But when has a life sentence actually meant a life sentence? The least he deserved was a death sentence back in 1988 so all this taxpayers' money could be saved. Somebody tell me how this is compassionate to the victims. I just hope this terrorist evil-doer is denied treatment but it seems as though, if a terrorist wants to get out jail, all he has to do is give him/herself cancer. Maybe Osama bin Laden will now be thinking of giving himself cancer so that, if he's ever caught and put in jail, he can be let out early on "compassionate" grounds.

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