Saturday, June 2, 2012

Making Mugabe tourism envoy only makes UN even more of a sick joke

The United Nations was set up in 1945 after World War II in order to supposedly facilitate peace and human rights. That's what it's supposed to do. Unfortunately, what started out as a great idea to get countries to get along with each other has now become a huge joke and has made the UN about as useless and irrelevant as its predecessor, the League of Nations. There are too many examples of their incompentence but let's start with failing to prevent the Rwandan or Bosnian Genocides in the 1990s. Then you have the oil-for food scandal in which Russia, France and China (the 3 permanent Security Council members that opposed the Iraq War) continued to prop up Saddam Hussein's tyrannical regime in exchange for oil while at the same time accusing the United States and Britain of fighting a war for oil. The fact that Russia, France and China kept pushing to remove sanctions on Iraq kind of destroys the whole "blood for oil" argument that liberals kept going on about since it was the countries that opposed the Iraq War that were the ones truly motivated by oil. Next example: Israel bashing. Israel gets hounded by the UN every time they try to defend themselves against terrorists (who hide among civilians in order to elicit sympathy) yet the UN hasn't even passed a single resolution to condemn the genocide in Sudan. The UN is supposed to protect and promote human rights but it does anything but that. For example, the so-called Human Rights Council flew the UN flags at half-mast after Kim Jong-il died and, more recently, the United Nations can't really do anything about Syria because Russia and China (who both have veto power) have such cozy relationships with that murderous regime. Want another example of the Useless Nations hypocrisy over human rights? The UN Human Rights Council is supposed to protect human rights which you would've thought includes free speech. Not according to the Human Rights Council, otherwise they wouldn't have passed a resolution banning criticism of Islam so they could appease Muslim dictatorships and legitimise their persecution of Christians. Oh, and don't even get me started on the ironically named UN World Conference Against Racism providing a soapbox for Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to air his antisemtic holocaust denials and demands for Israel to be wiped off the map. When you notice all these scandals you start to realise how much of a joke this waste of a talkfest has become. Making Robert Mugabe, an evil dictator that commits atrocious human rights violations and has turned Zimbabwe into a complete basket case in the space of just 30 years, the Special Ambassador of the United Nations World Tourism Organization is yet even more proof of how irrelevant and out of touch the UN really is. Obviously there are heaps of other examples of the UN's uselessness but this post is long enough already. Feel free to comment below with your own examples.

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