Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Washington State bans Christmas - Christians persecuted not just in Muslim countries

No this is not a joke. If you thought you were safe from the ongoing politically correct War on Christmas just because you live in a so-called free country and not Iran or Afghanistan then keep reading.

Persecution of Christians in those countries and others like North Korea or China isn't exactly news but now the war on Christianity has spread to the so-called Land of the Free. Thanks to protests from stupid atheist groups who should mind their own business, such as The Freedom from Religion Foundation, Washington state Governor Chris Gregoire has banned Christmas displays from the state capitol building in Olympia. The ban, which has been in effect since 1 December, means it is illegal to celebrate a Christian holiday and if you do you'll go to jail. You can't have any displays of religion especially nativity scenes because that would offend non-christians such as Muslims and atheists who should get a life. Christmas trees have to be called Holiday trees because stifling one religion in favour of others is what counts as tolerance these days.

Liberals are always going on about tolerance and how we should respect diversity. But apparently, this doesn't apply to Christians. They go on about the non-existent separation of church and state but forget that it's not mentioned even once in the constitution. All the constitution says is that the government can't set up a state-run church. It doesn't say anything about banning Christianity or Christmas. So, in other words, banning Christmas is actually a violation of the constitutional right to freedom of religion. But these are Christians we're talking about not Muslims so, to the politically correct bureaucrats who think they know best, it doesn't matter if they get offended. They would bend down to appease any minority group that demands special treatment such as Muslims but, although all religions are equal, it seems Christians are less equal than others. It's ironic that liberals who are always against Christians spreading their religion are quite happy to ram their's down our throats - especially man-made climate change. Why can't you harmlessly spread the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ but you can ram the religion of man-made climate change down people's throats? Notice how the media always only reports on the chicken little side of the global warming debate. That's because the leftists who control it have their own anti-Christian agenda and want to ram their religion down your throats yet claim that Christians are the ones who are intolerant and imposing their views on others. Liberal atheists who hate freedom want to take the Christ out of Christmas. They've already succeeded in Washington State and it won't be long before Christmas is banned in New Zealand. Christians and Non-Christians who care about freedom need to fight back against the anti-Christian agenda. Don't think that just because Helen Clark is gone that Christians are safe. The agnostic John Key has already refused the biblical right for parents to smack their kids for correction. He could just as easily ban Christmas and persecute Christians. National and Labour are just two sides of the same anti-Christian coin. We can start fighting against the politically onslaught by putting the Christ back into Christmas and telling overly sensitive atheists, Muslims and other minorities where to shove it.

Merry CHRISTmas! Yes I said Christmas not the Holidays or Season Greetings or Winterval or whatever. Got a problem with that? Tough!


  1. "The ban, which has been in effect since 1 December, means it is illegal to celebrate a Christian holiday and if you do you'll go to jail."

    I thought Christians weren't supposed to lie. Guess I was wrong.

  2. WA State just 'won' its case against Arlene's Flowers in Richmand, WA. Just another example of religious intolerence against Christians. Unless Christians start standing up for themself, this behavior will never end. The WA courts are infested with left leaning bigots.
