Thursday, June 11, 2009

Random Jokes

1. What's the difference between the IRA and the IRD?
One is the Irish Republican Army. The other is a terrorist organisation.

2. What's the difference between Keith Locke and Kim Jong Il?
One is a neurotic communist maniac who's a threat to national security. The other is the President of North Korea.

3. What's the difference between Keith Locke and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
One is a Jew-hating, Israel-bashing threat to national security. The other is the President of Iran.

4. What's the difference between Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez?
One is a nationalising, high taxing, socialist egomaniacal dictator. The other is the President of Venezuela.

5. What's the difference between voting for Melissa Lee and buying a Lotto ticket?
You have a chance of winning Lotto.

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