Saturday, September 8, 2012

Why I'm against gay marriage

Homosexuality is no worse than any other sin but it's still a sin and a moral wrong can never be a civil right. Obviously I'm not suggesting it should be recriminalised but the problem is that now it's treated as just another lifestyle and now they're trying to hijack the sacred institution of marriage. If it's just about rights then we've already got civil unions. But that's not enough. Their real agenda is to destroy our traditional values under the guise of "marriage equality." Btw I notice how the liberal media use the newspeak term "marriage equality." That's implying that all types of relationships are just as equal as marriage but, in that case, why should the govt be involved in relationships at all? Marriage wasn't created by the State (or for that matter religion). It was created by God so nobody has the right to redefine it. It takes one man and one woman (who are different but complement each other) to produce a child and that's what makes marriage the foundation of the family. Govt's role is to protect marriage because it provides the most stable environment in which to raise children. If marriage is just about love then why not allow polygamy or incest? And if marriage is a right then what about people who can't find spouses? Should the govt then step in? Another common pro-gay marriage argument is comparing banning gay marriage to banning interracial marriage. Don't know if you've seen the NZ Herald cartoon calling Louisa Wall NZ's Rosa Parks but if I was black I would consider it a huge insult to such a famous Civil Rights icon. The difference is that when interracial marriages were wrongly banned it was because of the spouses' individual attributes and perceived threats to racial purity. A marriage between a black man and a white woman was still (by definition) a marriage, just not a legal one. In contrast when you legalise same-sex marriage you're not just allowing more people to get married (because gays can already get married as long as they follow the same rules as everyone else) but you're actually completely redefining and overthrowing the whole fundamental nature and purpose of marriage itself. Hence gay marriage is an oxymoron. By redefining marriage (instead of just recognising and enforcing it) the govt is actually imposing its own moral value judgement on society and abusing its powers thus leading to a real threat to freedom.