Thursday, February 2, 2012

South Auckland version of the Anchor Zero Lacto ad with that annoying kid

If you live in New Zealand then you've probably seen the Anchor Zero Lacto ad with that annoying kid and his overly tolerant mum. Well this is the more realistic South Auckland version that more properly reflects modern New Zealand society.

Boy: Mum?
Mum: Eh wat?
Boy: Y do u drink milk different from us? U retarded?
Mum: Nah it's cos I'm f***** lactose intolerant OK? U got a prob with dat?
Boy: Wats intolerant?
Mum: It's wat I am of ya stupid questions u dumb $#*! Geez get a f***** education eh! Only had u to get da DPB & now dats gon 4 da week.

Nek minnit...
One News: A young boy is currently in a critical condition in the intensive care unit of Middlemore Hospital suffering from what police are calling "non-accidental injuries."