Tuesday, January 24, 2012

3 News wrong about Green Party's "record-setting night"

Yes I know the election was nearly two months ago and I was going to blog about this much earlier but it's better to be late in pointing out false statements in the media than to let them remain unchallenged. So what did 3 News get so SHOCKINGLY WRONG? Well we all know about TV3's obviously extreme left wing bias (case in point: that liberal douchebag John Campbell) and their infatuation with the Greens. On Election Night they couldn't stop themselves from getting excited over their unprecedented success in capturing the idiot vote.  While it is true that, unfortunately, the Green Party achieved their best ever result  by pretending to be more sensible than they really are, 3 News made the absolutely false statement that it is the first time since the 1996 MMP that a third party has got over 10% of the party vote. I don't pretend to be an expert in extensive research but it didn't take much extensive research for me to quickly find out from the official election results website that the Green Party is NOT the first minor party to have won more than 10% of the party vote. In fact, in the 2002 General Election, New Zealand First won 10.38% of the party vote. Yes, 10.38% not just 10%. Now I know some of you (most of you idiots which is probably why you voted for the Greens) will be like "Wow 10.38%?  That's pretty much close to 10% anyway. Big freakin deal!" But you don't have to be a mathematical genius to figure out that 10.38% IS STILL MORE THAN 10%!!! I'm honestly surprised that nobody else has realised this SIMPLE FACT before but then when has the lamestream media ever cared about facts and objectivity?