Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Why WikiLeaks is so dangerous

Unless you've been living in a rock or trapped down a mine (no disrespect of course) you would've heard about the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, releasing all of America's juicy little secrets and thinking he's some saviour of freedom of information. But before you buy into the liberal media's narrative of him being such a hero KEEP READING to find out why his irresponsible childish actions are so dangerous.

Transparency and holding the government to account sound like such noble goals but this must be balanced with the interests of national security. Julian Assange can pretend all he likes that he's just a neutral defender of freedom but the fact is, by releasing secret documents relating to US military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, he is choosing to help and side with the terrorists. That is plain and simple treason and is evidence that he is motivated by an agenda to give terrorists an advantage in the War on Terror. People may think it'd be interesting to find out all of America's military plans and operations but, as the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat. In this case, because the terrorists will also receive the same information, curiosity will also kill soldiers and innocent civilians. It's ironic that he claims to want to stop the war in Afghanistan when, especially by releasing details of informants, he not only puts soldiers' lives in danger but also the lives of innocent Afghan civilians who only want to experience the freedoms that you and I and everyone else take for granted. Now, because of his irresponsible actions, the Taliban have promised to hunt down and behead informants. Is there anyone who honestly even has the slightest doubt that they will carry out their promise? As a result of the potential threat on their lives, people will be unwilling to divulge information about the Taliban and help the US-led coalition forces in defeating terrorism in Afghanistan. If you think the war in Afghanistan is hard, giving terrorists a leg up has now made the mission for freedom even harder. Julian Assange and others like him need to stop being so naive and think about the consequences of their actions. Actually, scratch that, Julian Assange and other people involved with WikiLeaks know very well the consequences of their actions. They just don't care as long as they can continue to pursue their anti-American agenda. If they're so into openness and transparency then why are they so biased and only target the US and its allies? Why doesn't he release secret documents from Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Chinese or Russians or whatever? Why doesn't he release secret documents from the Iranian government? I'll tell you why. Because this isn't about transparency and holding governments to account at all. This is about an extreme anti-American terrorist-loving communist activist radical who would like nothing more than to see real freedom destroyed. He and other people like him are not interested in the truth but on spreading anti-American propaganda. If he's so interested in transparency why is he only telling one side of the story? Why is he only focused on giving the terrorists all the information they need to destroy America and its allies including New Zealand? It's time he and his America-hating ilk stop the facade of pacifist neutrality and admit to being the terrorist-supporting traitors that anyone with even a scrap of grey matter can clearly see. WikiLeaks claims to have released information about events that involve what they allege to be the US military killing civilians. Now, I admit I haven't investigated these allegations but WikiLeaks completely takes these events out of context and is only doing this to make the US-led coalition forces look bad thereby helping our enemies in the propaganda war. They don't explain the whole situation or tell both sides of the story. Killing civilians is never a good thing but there is a huge difference between terrorists deliberately murdering innocent civilians and coalition forces accidentally killing civilians (which is always unfortunate but very difficult in a place where terrorists so easily blend in with civilians). Julian Assange never does anything that does not involve hampering the War Against Terrorism. He is a terrorist-appeasing oxygen thief rapist who literally has blood on his hands. His hypocrisy is evident in the fact that he continuously moves place to place like a little shrew instead of manning up and facing the consequences of his actions. Why is he so secretive? He would probably answer that he has a right to privacy. But I thought everything had to to be open and transparent. Why is he allowed to protect his private information but governments aren't allowed to protect information that is vital for their national security? Does he not care? I know many people will probably argue that, if it weren't for WikiLeaks, the American military could do anything it likes. But there must be a balance between freedom of information in order to hold people in power accountable and protecting national security. If you release secret information about your company to competitors you'd be justifiably fired and no amount of crying about freedom of speech will save you. Releasing secret information about your company's plans to competitors harms its competitiveness and could potentially damage it. It's the same thing as releasing information about informants except, in this case, real lives are being threatened because of an egotistical, self-serving, smarmy little liberal communist leftist git who thinks he's a saviour when he's simply an idiot (and that's being nice).