Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Can't discriminate against unreliable workers

When writing up a job ad there are lots of people you can't discriminate against. You can't discriminate against blacks, women, gays or old people. But that's not as sinful as discriminating against another section of society - unreliable workers.

A recruitment firm boss in England, Nicole Mamo, learnt this lesson the hard way when she posted a job advertisement for a £5.80-an-hour domestic cleaner on her local Jobcentre Plus website. Like most other sensible job advertisements she made sure it didn't say things like "no blacks" or "gays need not apply." But there was something it did say at the end that got her in trouble with the local Jobcentre Plus office in Thetford, Nolfolk. The advertisement ended with the offending words, ''must be very reliable and hard-working''. Sounds pretty reasonable right? Not so for a certain Jobcentre Plus worker, who claimed that asking for reliable workers meant that they could be sued for discriminating against unreliable workers. As a result, they banned her ad from the Jobcentre Plus office itself. Understandably, the 48 year old mother-of-two felt this was ridiculous.

'I placed the advert on the website and when I phoned up to check I was told it hadn't been displayed in the job centre itself," she said. ''She said 'oh we can't put that advert on the job points'. She said it was because they could have cases against them for discriminating against unreliable people.

''I laughed because I thought that was crazy. We supply the NHS with staff so it's very important for the patients that we have reliable workers.

''We find jobs for hundreds of temporary staff every week and are proud of our workers but our reputation is at stake if they aren't reliable.

''We are taking people off the dole and finding them jobs so not displaying the advert just seems absolutely ridiculous to me.''

You can't make this stuff up. I wish I could say the above story was just a joke, but it's not. This is just another example of political correct madness taking over the world. Discriminating against blacks, women or gays is bad enough but how dare you discriminate against unreliable and lazy people. These anti-discrimination laws started off okay because no one can choose their race, sex or age. But now they're just crazy. Will unreliable workers now be considered a protected minority? Maybe for the sake of diversity they have to have a certain quota of lazy and unreliable people. I can just imagine a rejection letter saying, "We regret to inform you that your application for the position of politician has been declined due to your hard work and excessive reliability." If unreliability was a legal prerequisite for a job then unreliable people would be a shoe-in for political office. It's not like you need to be reliable and hardworking to be a politician. Seriously though, how many job ads say you need to be reliable? I challenge you to find a job ad that doesn't say you have to be reliable and hardworking. If I had a dollar for every job ad asking reliable workers I could  more than pay my student loan off. A ban on asking for reliable workers would mean that most job advertisements are illegal. Next time you see a job advertisement saying you have to reliable and hardworking and you're just a lazy pig I suggest you sue for discrimination.

When will this political correct nonsense stop? Will David Letterman have to change his name to David Letterperson to appear less sexist? Let's have your comments and your own stories of how political correctness has affected you. I'm sure this can't be the only PC gone mad story around.