Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kanye West interrupts Weatherston's sentencing

Kanye West joins convicted murderer, Clayton Weatherston, in the list of people claiming to be "provoked." Weatherston was sentenced to life imprisonment on Tuesday with 18 years non-parole for the murder of Sophie Elliott. The nation was horrified and shocked to watch him try and claim he was provoked into stabbing her 216 times and mutilating her body. But no one was prepared for Kanye West's shocking outburst during the sentencing.

At the High Court in Christchurch Justice Judith Potter was delivering her comments and said, "Sophie Elliott's death was a tragedy in every sense of the word." But she could barely finish her comments about Clayton Weatherston's lack of remorse when she was rudely interrupted by Kanye West. The judge was pushed off her chair and had her gavel taken off her by the rapper who's no stranger to random outbursts.

Kanye took the judge's chair and said, "Yo Judge, I'm really sorry for you. I'mma let you finish your sentencing but William Bell was one of the worst murderers of all of the worst murderers of all time!" This caused booing from everyone in the court, even Weatherston himself since he tried to have the limelight taken off him. The Elliott family were especially outraged at the same guy who interrupted a Nazi rally and proclaimed, "the KKK had one of the best racist rallies of all time...of all time!" But Kanye West just shrugged his shoulders, flipped the audience and returned to his seat. He was soon taken away by security and charged with contempt of court.

Like finding out Beyonce won the MTV award for best video of the year, Kanye West later found out William Bell did win worst murderer of all time in New Zealand in terms of prison sentence (30 years minimum non-parole).